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Go into the whole world and preach the Good News to the whole world.
He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

Like on the popular new TV show "Lost" we may be marooned on an island somewhere looking for rescue.
However, an elite gang (the others) are hidden and are possessed with a devious knowledge and seemingly are in control of the island that we are trapped on.
Are you one of the desperate people trapped on a deserted island waiting for rescue?
That could be just a scenario of what it is like to be trapped in lifes vicious cycle, desperately searching for the way out and the answers of why we are in this set up.

After you are saved from desperation and from a lost hope, your desire is to see others saved just like you. There is a motivation to tell others that still remain lost and left behind to find the way out just like you did.

There is another TV show "Prisoner Break", about a man who goes into prison to save his brother from a conviction of a life sentence, he has the code written on him to get him out.
We can go to any extreme as God leads us to rescue our brother and our sister, that is any of those who will come into a loving Heavenly Father God's family.
Then they will no longer be imprisoned for life, they will find the way out when they are given the code of escape and the truth that will set them free.

There are many ways to reach a lost and dying world, all of us are diverse and gifted in many unique ways, whatever your gift, there is an ability and desire to use this to reach out to those we can help.

There are many things we can do to reach out to a need that draws our heart to respond in compassion.
As well as helping in a distant nation we can also make a difference right next door in our neighbourhood, while we are travelling along the road of life and a need grabs our attention.

When it is in our ability to help, remember that God is the giver of all good gifts and we can look to Him for the provision.
We can help those that are lost and looking for rescue, a lifeline.

The Good News is that the answer is already provided by Jesus who gave His life to save all of our lives.

Jesus went before us and changed the world forever with unsurpassed miraculous power and He is still working with us, so that we can make a difference.

Here are some links that may bring a particular need to your attention, so you can help the way that you are gifted or enabled to.
Gospel for Asia In each aspect of Gospel for Asia's ministry, the primary aim is to plant churches among the unreached — those who have never heard the Gospel.
The Iktus site has many links to various ministries involved in missions.
Jesus Calls Ministries A powerful ministry affecting the large population in the nation of India
David Hogan Link David Hogan reaches Mexico with the miracle working power of God.
Spread the Word Ministries Page You can help by giving bibles to help those who without the precious Word of God.
Tear Fund Christians around the world are demonstrating what it means to be good news to people who are poor, sick, hungry, traumatised or marginalised.
Rehoboth Home for orphans and poor children Christians around the world are demonstrating what it means to be good news to people who are poor, sick, hungry, traumatised or marginalised.

If you have not received God's unsurpassed love and have not yet become reconciled to Him, I invite you to be changed forever and be born again. Click here to find out more on born again - the first step of entry into God. Take action now and believe in your God who wants you to know Him and be with Him forever.

These articles give you keys directing you to a much fuller and rich pathway into God and His power.
There is infinitely more to going deeper into God, there is a pathway and definite steps to follow. You may enquire from Himessage or go to the
Walk of the spirit, the walk of power page for more on a deeper relationship with God and finding His perfect plan for your life.

Go to Links to the Supernatural for life changing impartations and revelation for your destiny in His Kingdom.

To contact Himessage you can EMAIL TO Himessage email address.

©Copyright January 2007 Himessage.
The text content of this site may be used and printed out for personal use only and or any ministry purposes, the Gospel is Free, these messages are not mine they are HIS, for HIS purposes, you know, Jesus who is LORD of ALL.
otherwise the content may not be used or reprinted,
without permission of Himessage

Copyright © Himessage January 2007.