In this world, the one thing we really need is something dependable,
to put our hope in.
We all want to find peace and security for our future.
In the last century leading up to the new millennium, this world has seen technology develop at explosive levels, like never before
in the history of civilisation.
And now, with the introduction of computers, made accessable to businesses and homes, we have the age of the information explosion.
Technology has provided us with the computer and the internet and this has created global communication and an information flow, to the market place of civilisation.
These remarkable developments have enabled us to see accelerated developments, in the sharing and processing of intellectual resources.
From the 1980's to the year 2000, we witnessed an economic boom, headed by the techno rich USA and the DOW Jones kept soaring along with the NASDAQ. Recently, however there were corrections to curb the enthusiasm to more realistic levels, especially in the dotcoms.
Still with all of these advancements, it seems that the relative prosperity for most has not improved and the privelaged few on planet earth still seem to dominate holding excessive wealth and riches. It seems that the way to get ahead for most is to create more credit card debt, the average person feels compelled by clever marketing to keep up with the latest fashions in the market place.
However we look at it, we are living in an incredible age of opportunity.
We live in a society and an environment of a modern technological world, where international communications systems make information to reach explosive levels of availability.
We have far reaching developments in the global production of goods.
Yet, we find in this setting of abundance, that there are the unfortunates, which suffer from lack to extreme poverty.
Even in this age of excitement, more than ever it seems that there is so much tension and strife, in the dizzying pace of modern existence.
Day to day for most of us, we are faced with the pressures of
coping with our survival.
Certain aspects of society actually promote drugs, alcohol and sexual excesses, then we have the consequences that all of these abuses bring. We find viral plagues are haunting large numbers of people.
In an age of such technological advances you would think there would be an out-flowing of benefits to most of the inhabitants of planet earth.
However, the accumulation of this worlds wealth to a large extent, is taken by the few and powerful, who only have a selfish and greedy lust for more, multinational irrationals and global moguls dominate our monetary system.
Meanwhile the unfortunate ones, who are at the bottom of the heap, starve for a mere crumb off the table of the powerful control freaks, who dominate in the money system.
I am not referring to the wealthy people, who have a generous spirit and liberally give to worthy causes, we do not want to become consumed with spite towards those who are successful.
I am referring to the system of the imbalance of poverty for a majority as compared to the excessive riches for a minority.
God bless all those who generate money and wealth and are prospering and can handle money, with a generous heart.
Now, we all have come into this world with our vices, unique faults and imperfections that operate in us and around us.
The good news is that we do not have to end up this way, Jesus came to set us free of this system of corruption, that is propelled by a nature in mankind that is incapable of living God's way.
Now it is time to take a good look around and we can be absolutely sure, that all is not well on planet earth, things have definitely gone astray.
The daily news tells the sorry, but soberingly true tale of people's behaviour and attitudes and even atrocities, the press even takes delight in sensationalising the extreme, this in itself is sick.
Jesus came to provide us with freedom from greed and a sick attitude towards other people.
Romans 5:1,2 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom
we also have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
Now when we become born again, we have access by faith (faith definition: believing what God says and applying it to our situation) into God's grace (grace definition: an unearned gift and strength that is not our own)
in which we receive the life of God or empowerment of God in our heart (or spirit man) and His Glory at work in us.
Romans 5:3-5 "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character and character hope.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy spirit who was given to us."
When we go through tribulations (the pressures that we find and the weaknesses we have, when living in our society) we can now can go through a process of development of faith in God, where we can reach a place of hope in God, where we are not disappointed anymore by what is opposing us in this world.
And what tops it off is that, the love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
At this point we become strong and secure, as we stand in this grace given to us when we believe and hold onto the love of God.
We then, actually experience a secure and peaceful place of security in a relationship based on love, which will withstand all opposition.
Now the question is does our situation change and what happens to us, through this experience of hope in God?
What condition were we in when Jesus came to save us?
When we entered this world (as shocking as it is for us to find out) we are imperfect according to the law of God and we enter an imperfect and sometimes cruel world, which becomes the environment we live in. When we find ourselves in an adverse environment, it has the effect of rubbing off onto us its flavour and we find that our very nature, that we are born with tends to conform, we are then dragged along into this behavior of sin (sin definition: seperation from God by a nature that cannot do what is right or is imperfect before a Holy God, or fallen from a right position with God).
Even some of our popular music groups have written songs making a statement describing, the society we live in. The intention being to expose the excesses of our habits of a consuming lust for more.
Sadly, there is a bombardment of filth, that is manufactured by some media groups and perverted minds, which is spread to the entire world by these depraved organisations.
The media is a very powerful instrument to infiltrate the minds of society, using suggestive imagery and undertones of provocative messages, which challenge the basis for absolutes in morality.
We wonder how come, if it is so blatantly obvious to all, that since our society at large is subjected to excessive, explicit barrage of sexual imagery, aimed at our youth particularly, that why doesn't the majority say enough, stop and no more, see what you are doing to the minds of people, desecrating what is created beautiful by our God.
The reason they can get away with this bombardment, although starkly obvious even to blind Freddy, that it is damaging to young, undeveloped minds; is that they are projecting imagery and suggestions at the human pleasure, sensory gate.
Now because, our very nature is bent from birth, we are not meant to have such an unrestrained and provoking onslaught upon us. With our very weakness and inability to resist, outside the miracle of becoming changed on the inside, we remain passive to their relentless campaign, which is boosted by the money the industry gains.
In our condition of a sin nature, we simply cannot handle this and because it appeals to our senses, we have a weakness to not resist, however, I am talking about living outside of Christ and not having the life of God working inside to strengthen our beings, where we are enabled in Christ, to resist.
How can we then answer the accusations that God has left us to die in a world that is cruel and unfair in the extreme, where the mindset is on the take and get what you can, without regard to anyone else?
Then we have the other well-repeated accusation, how can there be a loving God of this world, when there is so much misery and suffering?
Romans 5:6-9 "For when we were still without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet for a good man someone would even dare to die.
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."
What action did God take to restore us back into a relationship with Him? God demonstrates His own love towards us that yet, while we were sinners He died for us.
This nature of sin is the common condition of all mankind, when we enter into this world through the natural process of birth.
God demonstrated His own love towards us that when we were without strength to live right and found to be sinners, He sent Jesus to die for us and take the punishment of death due to us and suffered hideously in our place, on the cross.
Now, we can choose by God's grace, by our faith to receive His love and strength in this world and find a place of peace with God.
Now for more good news, after we become born again and are saved from forever being seperated from God by sin,
God in His great love for us enables us to receive His nature, to live right in this world.
Romans5:10 "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more,
having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."
Hope says that God through Jesus dying for us will give us the victory that we need, even though we, in our weaknesses have no strength to do what is right.
He loves us and pours His love into our hearts, by the Holy Spirit who is given to us and fills our very inner being with God's presence and joy, that is indescribable and full of God's love and peace.
This is victory unimaginable to us, from what the world can offer to us.
God's Holy Spirit is also called the comforter and He will fill us with God's comfort when we receive Him, by faith in what Jesus has done for us.
When we feel weak in our own strength and we are unable to perform what God requires, we can know that God loved us and died for us knowing our weakness and has now provided His life and strength for us, to draw upon and to overcome our trials.
He fills us with His love, to assure us during the times of enduring the trials and tribulations, or the pressures of living in this world. When these tribulations that inevitably come, we can take what is provided for us by Jesus, the grace (unearned gift and strength that is not our own) that He has given us to stand firm, in troubles and times of weakness to sinful ways and progress through, to hope and find God's life and strength to overcome. We experience and find His love, when we are weak and struggle in our own efforts, due to the limitations that we have, because of the sinful nature.
We see that the change is not on the outside and in our circumstances so much, but rather it comes on the inside of us.
The most remarkable assurance we can now have is,
that, if when we were sinners and enemies of God,
He came and died for us. How much more then,
after we become born again, we are now saved by His life, because of God's great and unfathomable love towards us.
We, therefore now, have great hope in the life of God
to save us and to receive His strength to overcome
in this world.
We can receive His love for us and become empowered,
to overcome through what is given to us by Jesus,
who loved us and died for us.
Romans5:11 "And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we now have received reconciliation."
Now that we are reconciled to God through what we have received in Jesus, let us now rejoice in the hope of experiencing His overwhelming, unsurpassing, great
love for us.
If you have not received God's great love and have not yet become reconciled to Him, I invite you to be changed forever and be born again.
Click here to find out more on born again. Take action now and believe in your God who wants you to know Him and be with Him forever.
©Copyright January 2007 Himessage.
The text content of this site may be used and printed out for personal use only and or any ministry purposes, the Gospel is Free, these messages are not mine they are HIS, for HIS purposes, you know, Jesus who is LORD of ALL.
otherwise the content may not be used or reprinted, without permission of Himessage